


I spent the past two days at the dotMOM Conference put on by Lifeway.
Basically, it rocked my world. 
I felt funny describing it to people... it went something like this...
"I'm going to a Christian blogger mom's conference..."
This was generally followed by snickers.

But that's kind of what it was. And it was kind of amazing.

 I am super tired and have to be honest- the only thing keeping me awake is Auburn's super close score against LSU in the 4th quarter, but I learned so much from so many Godly women. 
Women like Jen Hatmaker, Sissy Goff, Vicki Courtney, and Esther Burroughs, who are moms that are anxious to get it right. Because when I consider the desires of my heart, I don't want EA to see us as wealthy or living the American dream. I don't want her to think of how many friends we have but not know the meaning of friendship. I don't want her to think that she is the center of our world.

 I want her to see Jesus.

I want her to see us loving God first, each other second, and then her. Because that's how she will grow to know security, know what a good marriage looks like, and know what a good mom and dad look like.
I want her to leave for Auburn... I mean college (seriously, we are holding tight to the #2 team in the nation, I can't be expected to be impartial right now....) and know how to live for Jesus because it has been modeled through her life and it's the only natural thing to do. I want her to truly love and serve her friends and minister to those she doesn't yet know. I want her to walk away from sin because it hurts Jesus, not because she is afraid of consequence.

The women this weekend imparted incredible knowledge and experience to bring me closer to being a mom who can do these things. 
This weekend, I made a new friend, spent quality time with an old one, and was truly blessed.

Praise the Lord for His provisions.


  1. Rocked my world! Exactly. I loved this conference so much, and one of the absolute BEST parts was meeting you and Brittany. Thanks so much for letting me be a third-wheel. :-) I'm currently stopped in Tupelo to pick up the kiddo on the journey home, but I can't wait to get back to Memphis and start exploring all these new blogs. Hope you have a restful, joyful week!

  2. Love hearing your desires for Emily Ann! Sweet girls... both of you! (FYI, your links go to the same page. Was that on purpose?) Love you!


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