
Wisdom from a child

I was recently at a friend's house when her four year old daughter walked into the room. I was talking to her about the things I often talk to four year olds about- her day, her little brother, her favorite color.. and I casually mentioned that I LOVED the color pink.
She looked at me with her serious 4 year old eyes and said..
"We DON'T love things, we only love God and people."
Whoa, back up. At first I was shocked. Then I was amazed.
I can easily think of 10 times in the past week that I used the phrase *I love...* And not just with God or Brian or even my friends, but with things- the school's crispitos, Auburn football, a flip camera, or Harry Potter.
But when my exageration takes over everything, where does my *true love* come into play? Am I so focused on the things of the world that I don't even verbally differentiate between the worldly things that I like and the God that I love?
*This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.*
1 John 3:16
*We love because He first loved us.*
1 John 4:19
*By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.*
John 13:35
How incredible that God can speak through a 4-year old.
He is good, all the time.


  1. great post ashley! so true. It's hard to not fall into the pit of "loving" all worldly things. This is usually why I stay away from posts that read "eye candy" ;)

  2. ok...that made this mommy tear up...so glad you are my new friend...


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