
Emily Ann- 5 months

Emily Ann- 5 months

Firsts: Eating baby food, sitting up, cold and ear infection, sleeping through the night unswaddled, hanging out with a dog

Milestones: Eating baby food! Also, you are regularly grabbing your toes and you pull down on your car seat toys all the time. 

Measurements: 15 lbs. 15 oz, 26 inches long (90th percentile), size 2 diapers, 3-6 month clothes

Like Mommy: You love being around people!

Like Daddy: You love being around people!

Food: You are eating 6.5 oz. of formula with two scoops of rice cereal for every meal. When we practice with baby food, you usually take 1.5 oz.

Sleep:  You sleep from 8:30PM to 8:00 AM every night, though this cold has woken you up early or in the middle of the night a few times this month. You take a short nap in the morning and a 2.5 to 3 hour nap in the afternoon.

Challenges: Mommy hates you being sick!! Between the runny nose and the grabbing at your ears, it breaks her heart. Most of the time you don't seem to mind though and are just as happy and bouncy as you normally are.

Our Days: You wake up at 8:00 each morning and have breakfast. After you eat, you usually play in the Exer-Saucer or on Mommy's bed as she gets ready for the day.You eat again at 12:00 then we play from the end of that feeding until 1:30 when you usually get sleepy. You sleep from 1:30 to 4:15. At 4:15 you eat again, then spend some time with Daddy. You sit in your Bumbo as Mommy and Daddy eat dinner, then we play a little more before bedtime. You take a bath every other evening right before your 8:00 meal. We feed you at 8:00 and you go to bed at 8:30. 

Favorite Moments
Mommy's Favorite: Bath time. You are really beginning to enjoy playing in the water and splashing around.
Daddy's Favorite: When he gets home from work and you smile up at him.

Nicknames: EA, Baby Girl

Photo ops:

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