
DIY Ponytail Holders

I am a ponytail girl. Don't get me wrong, I wish I could wear my hair down, just plain down, but I can't. I know, I've tried. Therefore, any ideas on making a cuter ponytail is a winner in my book.
As I was browsing old DIY Days on A Soft Place to Land, I found this link at Great Oak Circle. Covered ponytail holders! Simple, very inexpensive, and adorable! You can't beat it!
I started with basic colors and made two, but I know this isn't the end for my ponytail decor. I am thinking orange and blue polka dots for Fall and bright flowers for Spring. I just love them!
Happy Weekend my friends!


  1. Awe thanks for the shout out, I am so glad you like them!! Love to have fellow Alabama blog friends!

  2. You change your blog background more than anybody I know! haha, it's cute though! Nice ponytail holders. I hope you have a FANTASTIC week! 733!


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